rack extension developer

ReSwitch IN

The ReSwitch IN Audio selector can help you to switch one or a few input channels that can have the same effects, or play individually at the needed moment.Introducing an audio switcher with 4 stereo inputs and 1 stereo output. ReSwitch IN audio selector can

INFOBAY IN/OUT [free interface helpers]

 Every studio include one or or few multichannel audio interfaces with routed devices to the DAW.  Mixers, Audio Interfaces, ADAT interfaces – all of them have connected devices. And ports of this devices sometimes hard to hold in the head to set needed input or

SPRING 905 – Reverberation fx

SPRING 905 – is a kind of legendary and classic Spring reverberation effect. In 1960th Spring reverberations were a very new part of the guitar sound. This was a cheap and creative solution to mimic studio reverberation effects avaliable in the studios. Spring reverberation effect

Drop ‘n’ Lift Semitone Transpose fx

DROP’N’LIFT is a creative semitone transpose effect, that can help you re-tune your instrument from 1 semitone (halfstep) up to 2 octaves up or down. Drop tune and Lift tune – is what this device is designed to do. It is a polyphonic re-tuning effect for any kind of

HolyVerb Reverb-Delay FX

HOLYVERB is a modern effect processor for any kind of incoming audio signal that includes various combinations of modulation and signal change effects. Basically, a signal can be pitch-shifted up to ±2 octaves and then the device can add frequency changes via frequency-shifts. The Reverb

ReVoicer Vocoder

Vocoders rely on two signals being present at the same time in order to operate. These signals are the Carriersignal, which normally takes the form of a synth, and the Modulator signal, which normally takes the form of a human voice, although other instruments can work well (such

SABOTAGE 3-band Crossover FX

Introducing a new three band multiple FX Rack Extension. The Crossover effect splits the incoming audio signal into three bands [Low / Mid / High] with frequency control and morphing. If you connect any signal to the Main input and activate the Crossover section, you


Only 30 October include 1 November discounts on RackExtensions at Propellerhead shop. Happy Halloween!


  Introducing new audio switcher with one stereo input and up to 4 outputs. RESWITCHER have a routing scheme in two modes. MAIN MODE: You have four ABCD outputs and you can route signal to only one active output A or B or C or

ECRUOS Tap-delay

ECRUOS is a Delay effect with up to 16 configurable taps include smoothing of delay time changes. We present new delay type in Reason Rack Extension – Tap Delay. Tap Delays usually have steps called as TAPs. Every TAP have own setting of Delay Time and Level. Delay


Introducing a new Comb filter with positive/negative morphing in Rack Extension format. Comb filters usually reshape waveforms, ending upwith a signal that resembles a comb shape.Comb filters create copies of signal and work as a delay and filter at same time. Small delays between copies of the signal create phase

Murder RhythmCutter

Introducing a powerful rhythmic cutter effect. With the MURDER rack extension it is possible to generate various arps and sequences with a few effects to create new complex rhythms for any incoming signal. With GRID SIZE you can cut incoming audio signals into slices in


Present new overdrive effect with nice range of distruction. But its not only just Overdrive. It much more complex solution and hybrid effect. Overdriven signal from time to time help to get interesting sound if it use compressor. At this days you can find few

GRAINSHIFT Delay Pitch-Shifter

Introducing a powerful granular effect for real time processing of audio signal with pitch-shifter and delay. With GRAINSHIFT you can select position and length of grain that you get from incoming signal, way of playback direction of grain that been pitch-shifted and mixed with dry incomig

PhatSat Saturation FX

Introducing PHATSAT, a variant of analogue tape-style distortion, known as a saturation effect. Many people believe that tape saturation applied to music sounds very appealing. Recording engineers understand that distortion, along with compression characteristics of saturation, can be useful as a mix tool. Saturation makes an

HarmBode Freq Shifter

Introducing a variation of a legendary analog frequency shifter. HARMBODE shifts the spectrum of a signal by a fixed amount. BODE (TM) Shifter is not a pitch-shitfer, but allows you to shift inharmonics in Hz. Sometimes it can sound like a ring modulator effect, but

CRONUS Modulation FX

Introducing **CRONUS**, a new time-modulation effect that includes 3 effect types in one: Chorus, Flanger and Tremolo. All of these effects are time-modulated delay effects. When guitarists talk about modulation effects, they are referring to effects such as Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo, Vibrato and other delay

PHASE28 Phase Shifter

Introducing PHASE28, a new phase shifter effect. Stages selector gives you control over making this a classic 4-stage phase or the less stage phase for subtle shimmer. 2 and 4 stages phasing can be used for very classic sounds. But you can use 6 and