XMAS Giveaway #9

Giveaway? YES!!! Get a chance at these XMAS days to win RackExtensions from Turn2on Software. We start right now (25 December)

WTFM Wavetable FM Synthesizer


WTFM is not an FM synthesizer in the traditional sense. Rather it is a hybrid synthesizer which uses the flexibility of Wavetables in combination with FM synthesizer Operators. WTFM Wavetable FM Synthesizer produces complex harmonics by modulating the various selectable WT waveforms of the oscillators using further oscillators (operators). Imagine the flexibility of the FM Operators using this method. Wavetables are a powerful way to make FM synthesis much more interesting. WTFM is based on the classical Amp, Pitch and Filter Envelopes with AHDSR settings. PRE and POST filters include classical HP/BP/LP modes. 6 FXs (Vocoder / EQ Band / Chorus / Delay / Reverb) plus a Limiter which adds total control for the signal and colours of the Wavetable FM synthesis. Operators Include 450+ Wavetables (each 64 singlecycle waveforms) all sorted into individual Categories.



  • fabsup******@orange.fr (7)
  • *******@berkheiser.net (7)
  • john****@women-at-work.org (7)