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“PHASE-TWO-EIGHT” – in name of device included range of phaser stages you can choose.
Basic phasers have at least two all-pass filters to create one notch and one peak for a 2-pole effect, that create 2 stages. Increase the number of stages creates a stronger, more complex sound.
Phase effect created by splitting audio signal in two paths: its a line with All-Pass filters and line of original signal.
All-Pass filter in one stage help to create Notch. When original signal and signal from All-Pass filter are mixed, frequencies that are out of phase will cancel each other out, creating the phasers characteristic NOTCHES. When the original and delayed signals are “in phase” with each other, that frequency will be boosted to a higher level, creating a PEAK at that frequency.
STAGE number determines the number of notches and peaks in 360° phase-shifting. Peak or notch have 180° shifting. Each “stage” in the effect adds more notches and peaks in the frequency response, giving more complexity to the sound.
The output can be FEEDBACK to the input for a more intense effect, creating a resonant effect by emphasizing frequencies between notches. This involves feeding the output of the all-pass filter chain back to the input.
At high settings, the effect will become highly resonant, similar to a WahWah effect.
FEEDBACK can be Inverted. Inverted signal is feedback into the effect, creating another variant of the effect.
DEPTH change the size of notches. Control governs how high the filter frequencies sweep. At a low setting the phaser will primarily affect bass frequencies. At higher settings the phaser effect can sweep high into the treble.
Guitar pedal effects are usually mono. A stereo phaser applies the effect to left and right stereo inputs, or to a duplicated mono input, using two independent chains of all-pass filters. The two chains filters are often modulated 180 degrees out of phase. This makes the left channel’s notches and peaks sweep up while the right channel sweeps down, and vice versa, creating a richer phaser and a wider stereo image. Its can be used with BODY parameter.
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