Blackpole Station RE

Blackpole Station is a new polyphonic synthesizer for Reason Propellerhead.

Based on 68 waveforms in 5 oscillators (plus three sub-oscillators with 7 detuned saw and square waveforms). Synthesizer contain 2 base, 1 sub, noise and ring oscillators. Three 
 oscillators contain additional X7-OSC sub-oscillators.
 Blackpole include classic analog waveforms (Sine, Triangular, Sawooth, Pulse, Square) and digital waveforms (Leads, Pads, Drones, One-shote samples and cycle-loops). Flexible system of OSCs, Filters, LFOs, Envelopes, Effects and other elements of synthesizer helped us named it Blackpole Station.

Sounds Deeper than Black Hole, Purer than ice of North Pole..

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